Thank you for such a blessed experience Saturday. I cherished every moment and was still vibrating still all day Sunday. I was vibrating for days...
Nancy N., April 2019

Harrington’s vocal arrangements are perfect. Although [she] is a newcomer on the devotional music/chant scene, her [album] release shows depth and maturity. BEYOND THE BEYOND reminds you that mantra can be communal and exhilarating as well as private and mysterious.
Lee Harrington’s debut album, Beyond the Beyond, is a fluid and uplifting blend of sacred mantras from various traditions that fills the atmosphere with a blessed feeling of peace and healing.
David Newman (Durga Das)
[Beyond the Beyond is] an impressive and dauntless debut album…stellar, earthy and deeply memorable.
Vrinda and Vish Sheth of The Mayapuris
“Thank you for an incredibly beautiful evening. The night flew by, swept away on a glorious river of mantra. My dog Samson loved the vibes that traveled home with me. Thanks again Lee for creating a very special gathering and to all of the amazing souls in the room last night.”
Debbie I., August 2018
Last night’s kirtan [with Lee Mirabai Harrington] was absolutely celestial. When chanting to the Divine takes me to that place where I can no longer tell whose voice is whose, including the sounds coming out of this mouth, when the boundaries are dissolved because the Shakti is flaming, THAT for me is the heart and soul, the pure rasa of kirtan. Then Lee’s layering of her beautiful improvs on the top was like sprinkling angel dust over us. Thank you!
Uma Valerie Carruthers, writer, Reiki master, kirtan addict, Deland FL

Lee Harrington has created one of the most beautiful kirtan CDS ever…[BEYOND THE BEYOND] is a great album…in a category of its own.
WRPI radio (NY public radio)
Lee Mirabai Harrington brings a spirited and devotion-infused approach to mantra singing. Her beautiful voice and heart combine with the depth of the ancient healing mantras that she sings, to produce a magical experience for the listener. I love Lee’s kirtans and her new album!
Brenda McMorrow

We attended your Kirtan in Surfside/Myrtle Beach Unity Church and it was life changing! It brought everything I thought I believed into one space inside of me and all around us in the group. Incredible! Where I used to crank Journey (the band) now I crank your version of “Om Mani Peme Hum” driving down the road 🙂 ! There was a Buddhist healing mantra and the one at the end–I saw COLORS…no, that’s not accurate, I FELT COLORS. I am doing a solo backpacking journey as a healing quest in the next couple of months and would love to be able to take them with me. Thank you Ma’am…thank you so much. Continued healing and blessings to you and through you.
Rebecca H., February 2020

‘Whether she’s softly humming or unleashing her considerable voice, Harrington is a thrill to listen to. All in all, an enthralling debut.’ ~ Whole Life Times, December 2016/January 2017 issue
WHOLE LIFE TIMES - ALBUM REVIEWDecember 2016/January 2017 issue